Big Air Technical Data for FIS World Cup
Pitch: 22° (±2°)
Length: 60m (±2m)
Width: 8m minimum
Flat area before jump: 0° for 5-10m
Width: 5m minimum
Height: 3m - 3.5m
Take off angle: 25°
Jump take off to knoll: 12m
Landing Hill
Width: 22m minimum
Length: 35m
Transition to flat: 10m
Finish Area
Width: 30m
Depth: 30m
Pitch: 0° - 3°
16.2 Big Air, Competition site
The Big Air site must conform to Specifications.
The Big Air site must be finished and ready for training at least one day before the start of
competition. The drop in must allow the rider to have the correct speed for the jump and the
landing has to have the correct angle to accommodate both flips and spins.
16.3 Training
Training for the Big Air is mandatory. There will be a starter at training to regulate the flow of the riders. Training times will be communicated by the Chief of Comp. during the first TC meeting.
Big Air Judging
· For each Big Air Event, 5 judges will be present during the entire event, plus the
Headjudge. The highest and the lowest score will drop out and then add the three
middle scores together.
· Judges must give scores during the Big Air events in accordance with the Big Air
judging Criteria. They must be available to the Head Judge during preparation and
throughout the event.
· Judges can use score cards to mark score by bib number and must keep a memory
board to note the tricks, falls and other specifics.
· No discussions are allowed concerning competitors scores unless initiated by the
· No competitor, team representative, or spectator will be allowed to approach the judges
stand or speak with the judges during the competition.
· Any protest or problem arising from the judging will be dealt with by the Headjudge and
the competition jury.
21 Big Air Judging criteria
etc. Each judge will evaluate the run by overall impression and dividing the run into different
1. Control of the trick
- Execution
- Difficulty
- Control
2. Amplitude
3. Landing
21.1 Control of the trick
to be smooth, that means the body must be in good balance, arms have to be in control and not
trying to keep balance by “opening the window” and shaking all around. Spin has to be
demonstrated in one unique movement with a rhythm equal from beginning to the end. Rewinds
in landings are not penalized if they are clearly done on purpose (i.e. land switch and revert to
ride normal).
The grab (s) chosen has must be held as long as possible during the spin. Furthermore it has to
be sharp. Unclear grabs such as quick double grabs and small handtouches are not good.
Basically we can say that if the movement performed by the rider looked easy, it is well done
and executed.
The trick should be performed with good execution and high difficulty.
21.2 Amplitude
done by the rider from the take off to the landing spot.
Because it is more difficult to master a trick with a bigger hang time, with the same execution of
a trick, the rider with bigger amplitude will get more points.
A trick must be performed in a safe manner - not too long or too short is the best solution.
21.3 Landing
The landing is the final part of a trick (“the rider touches the snow again after completing his
trick”). It is also the part of the trick that makes the difference between a completed trick and a
non-completed one. In order to separate the completed trick from incomplete tricks, judges are
deducting points for a bad landed trick.
Deduction range
0,1 - 0,9 point for minor fault: hand drag
1,0 - 1,9 points for medium fault: two hands down, reversing the trick due to instability
2,0 - 2,9 points for major fault: body contact with the snow
3,0 points for huge faults: the board is not the first thing to touch the snow
The deduction is taken from the score that would have been given with a correct landing.
For example, a rider not under control in the air could get 4,5 points for the trick and 2,5
deduction for a major fault, that would give him a score of 2,0 total.
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