Daca sunteti prin British Columbia ,Canada , va puteti inscrie la cele doua competitii de slope style:
Our first BC Snowboard Provincial Series event is this weekend at Big White – January 17 and 18 – Double Slopestyle.
The server for the website has been down and will hopefully be up and running by the end of the day…. just in case, I have attached the Information Sheet for the event.
It is a good idea to pre-register for these events. Please email your name and age by return to confirm your spot.
Then at the event, you will need to sign the waivers and pay the entry fee prior to competing (at registration in White Crystal Conference Room)
Let me know if you have any questions,
Cathy Astofooroff
Executive Director
BC Snowboard Association
Box 2040, Kelowna , BC , V1X 4K5
Email: bcsnow@telus.net
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