vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

Criteriul de Calificare Snowboarding J O 2014

In premiera snowboardingul are 5 probe la Olimpiada 2014 Criteriu de calificare pt Olimpiada - Clasare in primii 30 in Cupa Mondiala de snowboard / Campionat Mondial - 100 Fis points QUALIFICATION SYSTEMS FOR XXII OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES, SOCHI 2014 Qualification Standard Competitors are eligible who have placed in the top 30 in a FIS World Cup event or FIS World Championships in the event concerned (Parallel Giant Slalom or Slalom, Snowboard Halfpipe, Snowboard Cross, Snowboard Slopestyle) and the following minimum FIS points in the event concerned on : Parallel: 100 FIS points Snowboard Halfpipe: 100 FIS points Snowboard Cross: 100 FIS points Snowboard Slopestyle: 50 FIS points